Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Perspective Drawings

This week in art class we are working with perspective points and vanishing lines. So far, a lot of the students think it is their worst subject but, I think they will do better if they focus and try their best.The T-squares really help a lot because it makes finding horizon lines easier to draw and gives straight, almost perfect lines.I would have to say that drawing a vanishing point in the center of the page is the easiest thing to do because, well, you don't have to know rocket science to draw a small dot on a piece of paper.Using the rulers help a lot because they help you find how far you want you're horizon lines to come out from the perspective point. When the horizon lines are done being drawn onto the paper, all of your thoughts that you kept in your head all that time will be transferred onto the page and when you are done, let color explode from your imagination into your drawing. 

 Before I even start  to draw a vanishing point, I empty my mind so that all of the things I want to put on the paper will be the only thing I have to think about and not all of those other subjects like math, science, and reading. It is good to clear your mind when you are drawing because it lets your mind think about whatever it is that your imagination tells it to without worrying about homework that needs to get turned in the next day or a project that needs to get done by the end of the day, it lets yourself be free from any worry in the world.Which can be very helpful in the art of vanishing points because you have to focus on a lot of lines and dots and shapes that pop into your picture. Right now I am drawing a train on a train track and  rail road crossings coming down with cars lined up behind them. All of those things have been made out of horizon lines coming straight out of the vanishing point.A vanishing point has a lot of things coming out of it because it is where the picture turns three dimensional.

Emily S. 6th Grade Art

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