Thursday, October 30, 2014

Literacy Boost Challenge

Hello Hiatt Artists,
Below you will find a link to the article we will read in class. Please click the link and read. We will then come back to our seats for a discussion.

A Boost for the World's Poorest Schools

a. Gender inequality in the developing world is a major hindrance to the education of women and girls. What are some of the reasons behind this disparity and what incentives for families does the author describe for keeping girls in school?

b. How does poverty, on a national and individual level, affect a family’s ability to send their children to school? According to the article, what are some nations doing to encourage and help families living in extreme poverty to prioritize education?
c.In what type of community (e.g.: urban, suburban, rural) is the access to education most challenging and what is one example the author gives to illustrate this? Using your background knowledge, give two additional examples of issues that might make access to education in rural community particularly difficult.
d.What is a Book Bank? In what ways does access to books and texts outside of the classroom help children make progress in reading? How do literate or illiterate adults at home impact a student’s education?
e.What are three greatest instructional (i.e.: materials, staff, curriculum, school
environment) challenges facing schools in poor communities?
f.According to the article, how do the three components of Save the Children’s Literacy Boost program work and how do the students benefit?

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